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FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive procedure in hair transplant. Individual hair follicles are gently extracted from a donor area and transplanted into areas with hair loss, providing a natural and lasting hair restoration solution

FUE Hair Transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction)

The Hairline Clinic Ankara wants to unite high standards with affordable prices in FUE Hair Transplant. Both male and female patients are affected by androgenic hair loss ( alopesi androjenik ), known as alopecia androgenic. Although this is an embarrassing condition, it can be treated with professional hair restoration. The aim of hair restoration is to recover your natural looking hair and thus give you great satisfaction in your appearance.

The Hairline Clinic regularly performs a method of hair restoration known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). It is a state-of-the-art method for hair transplantation, utilising hair grafts from the scalp, beard, chest and other bodily areas.
Each hair grows in follicles of 1-5 hairs, and a specialised FUE punch tool carefully removes the follicles from the donor area. This tool has been carefully developed to individually extract follicles and is a less invasive method for harvesting.

The donor area

One of the most important prerequisites for a hair transplant is the presence of a sufficient supply of hair to be harvested and redistributed across the scalp. If this is the case, then hair can be transplanted from one part of the human body to another, as long as there is no disease-related cause for hair loss.

Each hair follicle will be individually prepared for redistribution to the recipient site. This method creates a wonderfully natural appearance later on, and also harvests the exact amount of hair required for the transplant. Because of the nature of the FUE procedure, this method also prevents unsightly scarring of the skin. Finally, this method allows for economical extraction from the entire donor area without being restricted to the strip of skin harvested during FUT.

Benefits of an FUE Hair Transplant

This minimally invasive method combines matched extraction of hair follicles with a rapid healing process. This combination method leaves no visible scars, as there is no use of a scalpel during the whole procedure. Patients regularly return to their daily routine a few days after the operation.

Compared to the traditional strip surgery (FUT – Follicular Unit Transplant), the healing process with FUE is significantly shorter. It also reduces traumatic injury of the skin as no sutures, stitches or staples used.

OOjs_UI_icon_bulb2” The greatest benefit of this method is the ability to wear your hair short after the procedure. Additionally, there is no visible scarring or thinning at the donor area following FUE transplant. “

FUE Extraction, Stick-and-Place Implantation

After each follicle is extracted from the donor area it is prepared for transit. The follicles are then transplanted into the recipient site after artfully placed incisions are made in the balding zone. The incisions are prepared under local anaesthetic for the placement of the grafts and to minimise scarring. After these procedures, the hair transplantation process is complete.

The Hairline Clinic has created a revolutionary method to implant the hair follicle grafts during your hair transplantation procedure. This is known as the stick-and-place method, and it is used to transplant follicles into the recipient area.

Due to its precise nature, it is a sensitive part of the entire restoration process. At the Hairline Clinic, we ensure that the incisions and the relocation of the grafts happen simultaneously, and, as a result, the follicles remain intact. The incisions made during the restoration process will heal within 24 hours and give a firm hold to the new hair at the recipient site.

How many Grafts can be Transplanted with FUE at the HLC per Day?

Our highly trained doctors will oversee the entire hair restoration process. Your procedure will take a few small sessions. This ensures the correct extraction and placement of the hair grafts. This means that you will have multiple sessions for a success hair restoration. Roughly 1500-1800 individual hair grafts will be taken on a daily basis from the donor area and batches of 750-900 grafts will be transplanted into each balding zone.

picture of fue grafts

The sessions are split up to enable greater certainty of the follicles to survive in each individual graft, as they will be swiftly reconnected to the patient’s blood supply. In short, they will not remain outside the body for an extended period of time. Rapid redistribution of hair is an essential element for the success of any efficient hair transplant, because follicles will only survive without the nutrients and oxygen of the body for a short amount of time.

After each transplant, a percentage of the transplanted hair will fall out. This is a natural part of the procedure that occurs after three weeks of the transplant operation. This process is all part of the natural hair cycle. The transplanted follicle will begin to grow new hair after it has entered a resting phase. This resting phase will cause the original transplanted hair to fall out. A new hair will then grow from the follicle. The transplanted hair will grow back over a period of approximately 12 months, and the patient will generally expect the final result after 10-12 months.

Situation after an FUE Hair Transplant

Please note that this special resting period marks a psychologically strenuous process for the patient. Experience has shown us that numerous patients tend to draw hasty conclusions from the temporary appearance of their hair transplant, and then remain sceptical about the success of the final outcome. Male patients are especially prone to emotional and psychological stressful situations because of the temporary hair loss caused in the resting phase.

Since most hair transplants require full shaving of the head, prior to the procedure, many patients will face the real extent of their baldness for the first time. The pre-existing hair is no longer able to cover the displeasing appearance of their own head. However, this is a temporary state and the results of hair restoration procedures will be worth the wait.

Additionally, shock-loss of hair is possible with a lot of patients, resulting in a greater extent of baldness than before the transplant. The restoration proces can induce trauma in the pre-exisitng hair follicles, and the hair can fall out. Generally, this effect is reversible and will not reflect a permanent condition.

Patients will expect immediate outcomes from their hair transplantation. If your hair is not looking as luscious as you expect this can lead to feelings of disappointment and hopelessness. However, at the Hairline Clinic we kindly advise patience of mind, as this is a long-term process that will take time to be fully effective. Your own body is taking time to adjust to new conditions, and we are just helping it along. Therefore, we advise our patients to make themselves familiar with their situation and not to draw false conclusions. Be aware it´s your own hair and the personal appearance you want to enjoy for the rest of your life!

Manual FUE vs Motorized FUE Hair Transplant

FUE extraction uses two different methods. One method uses a motorised punch, and the other is by manual extraction.

Hair follicles are automatically extracted using a motorised punch, called a Micromotor. One big advantage of this method is time. Using a motorized punch allows the removal of individual grafts from the donor area significantly faster than by manual extraction. Manual extraction is also more labour-intensive, and in using the motorized punch hair follicles can be relocated faster.

after 3500 Grafts manual FUE, no visible scars, no thinning
after 3500 Grafts manual FUE, no visible scars, no thinning
before 3500 Grafts manual FUE
before 3500 Grafts manual FUE

The images above show the donor area after 3500 grafts. One is before hair restoration surgery, and the other is after 8 months. As you can see, manual extraction FUE gives no signs of scarring in the donor area. Even the optical density looks the same as before surgery.

Comparing both methods by their results it often becomes obvious that the manual extraction allows a more precise, accurate and skilful extraction of follicles since electrical devices can never be as sensitive and experienced as the doctor’s personal hands. This is why the rates are lower for motorized extractions due to their faster and less demanding operations.

The medical team at the Hairline Clinic offers tailor-made solutions for any individual hair type. We take great efforts in fulfilling every patient´s needs, performing the best method to achieve successful results, and meet personal expectations.

High-quality FUE Hair Transplant

The Hairline Clinic Ankara wants to unite high standards with affordable prices in FUE Hair Transplant. Both male and female patients are affected by androgenic hair loss ( alopesi androjenik ), known as alopecia androgenic. Although this is an embarrassing condition, it can be treated with professional hair restoration. The aim of hair restoration is to recover your natural looking hair and thus give you great satisfaction in your appearance.

The HLC team will be honest with you about the possible outcomes, and the length of time, that different parts of the hair transplantation process can take. With the HLC you will be able to manage your expectations and be confident in getting a realistic and high-quality treatment option.

Advantages and Disadvantages of FUE Hair Transplant


  • No linear scar like with a FUT Hair Transplant
  • You can wear your hair short afterward, if the extraction was successfully achieved
  • Minimally invasive
  • Faster recovery and faster healing of both the donor area and recipient area
  • The surgeon can choose each graft from the donor safe zone. This can result in a higher hair count
  • Ability to extract body hair


  • More time consuming for the patient and surgeon
  • Can be more expensive than a FUT Hair Transplant
  • Full shaving of the donor area recommended
  • Grafts are more sensitive, no splitting of hair recommended
  • Strong, African type curly hair almost not possible to extract without high transaction rates